After more than a month, ive been blogwalking to many bridal bloggers,
I have finnaly decided who are the 4weddingku blog awards winners.
Winners are based into 5 categories set by us. (Same as previous year)
But first, please allow me to talk about the bridal bloggers's industry.
I must said, there have been many bloggers who blog about their wedding journey lately.
They blog in their own way and style. Sharing stories and Tips.
However, a lil of personal touch always carried any readers like me to keep on reading.
The blog is replacing that 'white journal' any bride to be always have!
Hope to see many more bloggers bride in 2011
And most importantly, will link 4weddingku Blog! :)
Now let me talk about my winners (in summary)
I choosed them simply i love the way they blog!
Full of stories, personal feelings and most importantly, "we share stories".
They believed in their own dream
Their very own dream wedding.
No matter what is the category (Grand, Luxury, economic or budget wedding),
They wedding journey is simply beautiful!
So here are the winners for 4wedding Blog Awards 2010.

Congratulations my brides!
Ensure to visit us back ..Part 2.. to know why we choose them and SURPRISE Gift from us!
Yes, every 4weddingku Blog Awards will get lttle small tiny token gift from me!
I hope other bloggers would agreed to our 2010 winner list.
Thank you to everyone else for keep on having faith in us and link us!
Congratulations again to the winners!
Well, can't wait for the next round. Those that were listed are definitely deserve the awards.(most of it). But I do think that there are a lot more brides' blogs that u haven't come across. Afterall, the blogging world is really emerging right now and I noticed that u urself haven't been around for a long time. Hence, I believe the awards are solely based on ur own observation which is not accurate enough.
My two cents
hey there..
thanks for your comments.
Yes, u are truly right.
The winners are based on our own judgement with our own reason.
Most importantly,as im reading their blog, they keep on 'inviting me' to to read more. That is the main geese..
Yes, i knew there are several other blog moves me too.. however i can't choose them as some do not meet the criteria .. NOT LINKING US.
To comment on not been around.. (hehhehhehe.. MUST AGREED with this). Im a mom now. To jugle between work, blogging and my baby need some extra effort to be balance. Plus, we are now venturing to other businesses too. Alhamdulillah..
Anyway, i valued n treasured your two cents.
=) thanks, mya@4weddingku for this award! hihi. seriously, i dont know what else to comment. speechless.
and congrats to lynda, ann, xora, and aim too! =) u girls, deserve this too!
once again, thank you for pick me as one of the winners! hihi. can't wait for part two!
thank you, mya!
yeehaaa! congrats to all winners! especially eh, xde especially sebab sumer acik kenal! and acik suke bace blog2 mereka juga.
keep on writing bebehs!
Finally mya dah announced!
Congratulations all. Pernah baca semua blog diorang! Somehow Ash&Ann and Renda Perancis memang dah syak akan menang!
I have no confirmed date yet but may be in late 2012 or middle 2013 since still studying. Love to read blog brides to be especially 4weddingku.
congratulations! kina pun suka baca semua..;)
Salam Mya.
Hi babe. Thank you so much! How beautiful my day can be when I saw my name listed as one of the winner.
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this "glamorous" award - puzzled and clueless still :P
I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks again Mya!
Congratulations to Atia, Ann, Xora and Aim! You guys deserved and I am ur follower as well! Keep rockin'
Thanks again Mya (=
hello dear!
thanks a lot for the lovely award. sgt2 appreciate even though i'm still shocked about it 'coz i know there's a lot of wedding blogger out there yg lagi deserve this award compared to me. ;)
but then again, thanks for the award again and congrats to other bloggers yg sgt super fabulous. :)
huuuuu... saya suka baca belong Hazlynda Kushairi! Memang Glamourous!
congrats!! yeaay! happy for each of you.
congrats to all winners!!
keep on blogging k..?? ;)
yeahhhhhhh..they deserved to won...congrats to all of u.. :)
to winners, congrats.... =)
yeayyy congratz to all winners..!! mya u did a great job selecting them. all of them really2 deserved it.. atia, lynda, ann, xora n aim..congratz..!! :)
congratz everybody..All the winners mmg gorges blogger and 4weddingku had done a good job..(",)
Hey everyone...
Kudos to the winners.
I also hope they will keep on blogging even after marriage. Reading how they cope with life and especially pregnancy simply exciting. It is like watching reality tv! heheh... btw.. im still reading my 2009 4weddingku blog winners.
dear mya,
thanks a bunch coz belog picisan Ann tersenarai dalam list u.hehe :)
Anyway, Ann akan join ur mummy club soon. definitely Ann akan link mya punye blog lagi tu. oh btw, ur O's sangat cute! :)
once again, mucho gracias!xoxo,ann
i also agree with the 1st anon, some dont really deserve it, uve actually missed few outstanding blogs that actually really wrote lots of infos base on local finding for wedding, finding that helps lots of bride, and not just taking pics from other sources and the most creative is not creative enough for her wedding, not so outstanding, but yes for post wedding i must say, but anyway its your own opinion, congrats all!
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